Tanka T016

I wish that I could
Always live life with a touch
Of controlled anger –
For self-motivation to
Be even more productive




Copyright by Minh Tan on listed dated of completion.



Notes to this poem…

I’m in one of those phases in life that doesn’t come often enough for my liking these days. It’s the phase where I’m not happy about something and I’m determined to prove someone wrong. The phase where I have that look in my eyes and want to do everything with a vengeance, related to the reason or not cause it’ll all ultimately go towards the reason. It happened a lot more often to me when I was younger and more people doubted me. In middle age now, it seems, I have to go looking for it more often than not, though it’s never hard for me to find something I can personalize as if the person doubted me, they consciously doing so or not.

My current situation is one where the issue was brought to me, though, which makes it all the better. Unfortunately for me, there’s not going to be a quick and easy way to prove myself right. However, Validation Day for this will be in my future calendar somewhere. It’s only a matter of when, not if.

How I react when I get that look in my eyes due to being in a situation where I harbour some controlled anger, is by getting on doing stuff. Doing lots of stuff. My productivity is rather remarkable, I might add. The controlled anger is probably not good for my health if allowed to persist all the time, but man, would I ever love to be this productive all the time! And all it would take is a little controlled anger at all times! 😉

The poems titled Tanka, followed by a number, are tanka composed while I was not engaged in some activity during which I frequently composed poetry. That is why these are called the Inactive Tanka collection.

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