Running Poem R103

No haiku today –
On the standard stop by sea –
To write poetry

03.24.21 – 06.20.21

Running Poem R101

Without wolves around
For tonight’s Wolf Moon –
I played wolf to howl for them

01.27.21 – 05.30.21

Continue reading “Running Poem R101”

Running Poem R092

Easy to throw rock
Paper, or scissors
But not rock, paper, scissors


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Rejected Poem X005

Would you care as much
If you lost a pair of socks
Rather than just one?



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Rejected Poem X004

Would a truly perfect crime
Be truly perfect
If we knew of it?



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COVIDTRY Poem 09 (#staytheblazeshome)




There once was a land called Nova Scotia
Which’s Premier asked the people not to roam
In pandemic times of new corona
This is their tale to #staytheblazeshome!

To prevent the spread of CoViD-19
They had to stay inside, with some, alone
Until it was gone or came a vaccine
They all would have to #staytheblazeshome!

They could still explore the world, see others
Through Firefox, Facetime, Facebook, Skype, Edge, Chrome
Each one on their own, or all together
Connect with tech and #staytheblazeshome!

There were lots of other things to do, though
If folks did not have internet or phones
Arts, crafts, books, games, writing, music, puzzles
So much to help them #staytheblazeshome!

Now, of course, they had to go out sometime
But far too oft, and always with their phones
Through which Google tracked them day and night time
To show they did not #staytheblazeshome!

When the Premier saw this, he was livid
He got on TV, his mouth frothed with foam
Scolded those ignoring laws on CoViD
And told them all to #staytheblazeshome!

Right away, the message resonated
The world made memes, beers, songs, shirts, all things known
Ev’ry thing with what the Premier stated
His catchphrase hashtagged, #staytheblazeshome!

But unlike the virus that went viral
His scolding’s biggest impact was in tone
Worse and worse, the situation spiraled
Folks yelled, but did not #staytheblazeshome!

So he sent police to ticket people
For being where they’re not allowed to roam
Or too close in public, or too social
When they know well to #staytheblazeshome!

This worked well, and things reopened slowly
Each step with rules, enough to make a tome
To avoid more peaks and waves that’d only
Return them all to #staytheblazeshome!

So did Nova Scotians follow plenty
Enough to rid of CoViD from their home?
Will there be a Tales from CoViD 20?
One called You Did Not #staytheblazeshome!

Meh! For now, heed Nova Scotia’s screw-up
As detailed in this cautionary poem
To diminish such pandemics’ wallop
Right from the start, ye #staytheblazeshome!


04.18.20 – 05.17.20

Continue reading “COVIDTRY Poem 09 (#staytheblazeshome)”

COVIDTRY Poem 08 (What Sound does an Outbreak Make?)

One night in May, 2020
A boy in his doggy
In Saskatchewan, Canada
Had a little chatty

Hey, doggy!
––Yeah, boy.

What sound does a snake make?
––Why, hisssss, of course!
––––The dog said menacingly.

And what sound does a quake make?
––Why rrrrrumble, of course!
––––The dog said unsteadily.

And what sound does an outbreak make?
––Why, um, ask the horse!
––––The dog said quite mockingly.

What sound does an outbreak make?
Why, it’s… BOOOM!
––––Laughed the boy heartily –
––––Watching his startled dog run away –
––––For days and more days –
––––As you only can –
––––In flat Saskatchewan



Continue reading “COVIDTRY Poem 08 (What Sound does an Outbreak Make?)”


Where have Nova Scotians gone, in lockdown times?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, cause they’re not home?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, many places, everyone!
When will we ever learn, to stay the blazes home?

Where have Nova Scotians gone, in lockdown times?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, cause they’re not home?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, gone to their work, everyone!
When will we ever learn, to stay the blazes home?

Where have Nova Scotians gone, in lockdown times?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, cause they’re not home?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, gone for groceries, everyone!
When will we ever learn, to stay the blazes home?

Where have Nova Scotians gone, in lockdown times?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, cause they’re not home?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, gone to the malls, everyone!
When will we ever learn, to stay the blazes home?

Where have Nova Scotians gone, in lockdown times?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, cause they’re not home?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, gone to the parks, everyone!
When will we ever learn, to stay the blazes home?

Where have Nova Scotians gone, in lockdown times?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, cause they’re not home?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, gone COVID testing, everyone!
When will we ever learn, to stay the blazes home?

Where have Nova Scotians gone, in lockdown times?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, cause they are home?
Where have Nova Scotians gone, to quarantine, everyone!
That’s when we finally learned, to stay the blazes home!


04.12.20 – 04.16.20

Continue reading “COVIDTRY Poem 06”

COVIDTRY Poem 04 (Tales from Covid)

Reading Tales from Ovid
To pass time from CoViD
But sans belovèd
I didn’t love it

Thus I underwent
In this room I rent
Suffering from zoocosis

From reader of verse
To writer of poetry
And from that traverse
Sprung forth my COVIDtry



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Is COVID-19 poetry
Poems about CoViD-19

In isolation



Continue reading “COVIDTRY Poem 02”


Can the novel Coronavirus –
Be made into –
A novelette Coronavirus?

It seemed whomever
Called the Coronavirus “novel” –
Gave it a far more apt name
Than he could have imagined –
Given the long and complex stories
It’s generating around the world



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